‘Teaching with respect for gender and sexuality’: Launch Event
October 8, 2019 - October 8, 2019
University of Melbourne Arts Hall (222) Old Arts (Building 149) Parkville, VIC 3010
Developed as part of the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Committee’s Queering the Curriculum project, the new Teaching with respect for gender and sexuality padlet brings together best practice ideas and resources for cultivating inclusive classrooms.
The padlet will be launched by Professor Russell Goulbourne, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, with presentations by scholars leading the initiative in the Faculty:
Associate Professor Birgit Lang “Introducing the Padlet Teaching with respect for gender and sexuality”
Dr Claire Maree “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) in the language classroom”
Other special guests include Professor Joy Damousi (Faculty of Arts, Sponsor of Pride in Action Network), Dr Megan Sharp, Committee Co-Chair (Staff), Pride in Action Network) and Raphael Canty (Queer Officer, UMSU).
RSVP by 4 October 2019 (for catering purposes)