Talking Teaching Presentations – Semann and Slattery
July 30, 2019 - September 5, 2019
Various locations in Victoria, also available online
Talking Teaching will provide you with strategies to develop your practice and create meaningful relationships with children, families, peers and other professionals. You will learn how to develop your professional identity as a teacher, how to move from provisional to full teacher registration, and how to support your wellbeing at work. You will also gain access to the latest research in early childhood pedagogy.
Leading early childhood academics and experts will deliver short, sharp talks on issues that matter to you. The conference will be an excellent opportunity to network with other beginning early childhood teachers.
A free conference (10am – 3pm), Talking Teaching is designed to inform and inspire beginning early childhood teachers, giving you practical tools to use at your early childhood service.
To support your attendance, travel and backfill costs can be drawn from funding your service may have recently received to support you to move to full teacher registration. If you have any concerns about the cost associated with attending, please let us know when you register.
For more information about dates, times, and locations, or to register, please visit the conference website here.