Talking about play – Online Symposium - The Sector
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Talking about play – Online Symposium

May 24, 2021 - June 4, 2021

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KU Children's Services


Talking About Play – Online Symposium


Children have the right to play (UNCRC Article 31) – it is essential for their development, learning and wellbeing. This special virtual event explores in depth all aspects of play. We bring together several expert speakers who will share their knowledge and provoke us to think deeply about the issues and how we create environments that are rich for play.

You will have access, over a 7-day period, to all recorded webinars. They can be watched at a time that suits you. At the start of each week of the symposium, you will receive a new email link with that week’s videos. You can watch them as many times as you wish over the 7 days. Each webinar comes with a Reflection Guide that will support team discussions about the content. Topics will include:


Gender and play
Presenter: A Prof Kylie Smith
This webinar will assist educators to understand and respond to gender issues that arise in play.


Playing superheros, villains and weapons
Presenter: Robin Christie
Early childhood educators have always wrestled with the notion of superhero and weapon play – should it be allowed or banned in our programs. This webinar explores the questions and issues of how educators can respond to this play.


The right of children to play
Presenter: Deborah Harcourt
This webinar explores UNCRC Article 31 – the right of children to play. Deborah Harcourt discusses what this article means for early childhood centres.


Let’s talk nature play
Presenter: Doug Fargher
This session will explore children’s opportunities to play in nature, looking at how the elements and affordances of nature support children’s active curiosity and stimulate creative, imaginary play.


Play and relationships
Presenter: Rod Soper
The Early Years Learning Framework has a specific emphasis on play based learning and states that through play children create social groups. In this session we explore what play means for peer relations and friendships


Technology and play
Presenter: Dr Kate Highfield
In this webinar Dr Kate Highfield talks about the use, the benefits, and the risks of technology as part of children’s play. She examines the role technology might have in ‘complicating’ the play and supporting children’s thinking skills.


Educators role in creating environments for play
Presenter: Kirsty Liljegren
This webinar will invite participants into dialogue to consider the role of the educator in crafting environments for play that hold the promise of wonderment and challenge, collaborative endeavours and sustained commitment to inquiry.


Infants and play
Presenter: Toni Christie
Learning through play is the foundation of all early childhood programs. This webinar examines why is play critical to infant health and wellbeing and the role that educators should have in their play.


This event is suitable for all early childhood professionals

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