Supporting children and families experiencing vulnerability in a remote learning environment (online) - The Sector
The Sector > Events > Supporting children and families experiencing vulnerability in a remote learning environment (online)

Supporting children and families experiencing vulnerability in a remote learning environment (online)

May 21, 2020 - May 21, 2020

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In response to the COVID-19 pandemic the Department of Education and Training is offering a series
of free webinars for early childhood teachers and educators to assist them increase their knowledge
and understanding of best practice teaching and learning approaches for children participating in
learning from home. Supporting home learning when children are not attending the service will be a
new way of working for many early childhood professionals. To ensure educators and teachers have
the skills, knowledge and educational resources to support learning from home this webinar series will
focus on four key topics and will be delivered by Anthony Semann from Semann & Slattery


Click here to enrol

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