Setting up beautiful outdoor spaces focused on learning and aesthetics - The Sector
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Setting up beautiful outdoor spaces focused on learning and aesthetics

September 27, 2021 - September 27, 2021

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Places of beauty matter, as do places for learning. An often-overlooked space for education, the outdoors provides a unique and excellent opportunity for learning. How might we imagine beautiful outdoor spaces that also are spaces for learning?


The deep ecology movement has argued that if you want children to care for nature, they first must fall in love with nature. Can you name the spaces in your outdoors that you can fall in love with? Do you dream of creating more spaces of beauty in the outdoors? We will explore the wonders of the outdoors during this webinar and consider how to create and complement beauty in all its form in the classroom with no walls and ceilings.


Completing Setting up beautiful outdoor spaces focused on learning and aesthetics contribute one hour of PD addressing the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and aligns with the NESA criteria for Elective PD.


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