School readiness speaker series
Transitioning to big school is an exciting yet daunting time for many children and their families.
Our first Speaker Series of 2021 takes an in-depth look at all aspects of the transition and provides practical advice on how to prepare for a positive and successful start to big school for both your children and your family.
Presented by school readiness expert, UOW Early Start’s Dr. Lyn Cronin, this presentation is informed by the latest research and is a must-see for anyone thinking of sending their child to school in 2022.
If your child is starting school next year you will be thinking about what is important for them to know, understand and be able to do when the time comes for them to embark on the journey. Transition to school for children is an exciting time but can also be somewhat daunting as many changes are occurring at once. How best to support children to adapt to the changes and have a successful start to school is a strong focus for families.
The rhetoric around navigating the changes is about being ‘ready’. What does being ‘ready’ for school mean? The reality is it means different things to different people. This presentation explores the concept of readiness, taking an in-depth look at the transition to school and sharing strategies and suggestions to support children and families to enjoy a positive and successful start to school.
- Understanding the concept of ‘readiness’ in starting school informed by current theories of child development and transition research
- A range of strategies to support your child’s successful start to school, including academically, emotionally, socially, and physically
- What skills teachers recommend for children starting school
- What to consider when deciding on the right time for your child to start school.
$15/non-members, $10/members, $10/ Early Start Engagement Centres
No tickets will be available at the door – all tickets must be booked online.