One of the Kids: Understanding and Supporting Children with ASD in Mainstream Settings – 2 part online series
This is an intensive workshop that is based on the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) for understanding and supporting children with autism. The ESDM has a strong and growing evidence-base, promoting best practice for those working with young children. This workshop will disseminate the ESDM into early childhood settings, ensuring that every child is included and engaged across a variety of early childhood services (preschool, long day care, playgroups, early intervention etc.). It will also empower teachers and educators in their work with young children with autism, to deliver a high-quality educational program that is individualised and responsive to each child’s needs.
This event is suitable for all early childhood professionals
Presenter Maree Mauro
Maree has worked for over 30 years in a range of capacities including centre director, special educator and early intervention key worker. Maree has worked closely with allied health professionals and families to support children with disabilities in their homes, community and educational settings.