Numeracy In The Early Years - Webinar - The Sector
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Numeracy In The Early Years – Webinar

October 1, 2021 - October 1, 2021

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  • Does using the word “mathematics” in Early Childhood make you squirm?


  • What kind of maths can 4 and 5-year-olds really do?


During this session you will be given an overview of basic mathematics and numeracy skills appropriate for this age group, and what this looks like in a play-based, ECEC setting. Educators will walk away with practical strategies and hands-on activities to aid them in developing their own understanding of numeracy, in order encourage children’s curiosity for learning, problem solving and effective communication.


Completing Numeracy in the Early Years contributes 2.5 hours of PD addressing Standard 2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – Professional Knowledge Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it; 2.5: Literacy and Numeracy Strategies children learn.


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