Nathan Wallis - Neuroscience & The Developing Brain - The Sector
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Nathan Wallis – Neuroscience & The Developing Brain

February 22, 2020 - February 22, 2020

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Hillcrest Christian College - Theatre 21 Bridgman Drive Reedy Creek, QLD 4227

The last decade could rightfully be called the ‘decade of the brain’ as advances in medical and neuroscience have deepened our understanding of brain development and cognitive functioning, more than any other period before. Much of the public discussion has related to new knowledge of infant’s brains, however, just as many amazing are discoveries have been made relating to brain development and functioning from childhood right through to late adolescence.


These findings often contradict many of the long-held practices that helping professionals, teachers and parents have viewed as best practice. The result is that there is now a large gap between how people ‘think’ the developing brain functions and what neuroscience research has actually shown to be the case. An understanding of this knowledge and its practical application will help to guide your practice to better meet the behavioural, developmental and educational needs of the children, adolescents and families you work with.


You will learn:


  • How a child’s brain works and matures including the different parts of the brain such as the frontal cortex, the influence of plasticity, and the reptilian brain.


  • What the research has shown about the ideal physical, emotional, educational and social conditions under which the developing brain functions at its best.


  • What are the implications of this knowledge for professional practice and parenting with children and adolescents?


  • What approaches and interventions work best from a neuroscience perspective and how to turn an outburst, argument or fear into a chance to integrate a child’s brain and foster vital social and emotional development.


  • From a neuroscience perspective, what are the common pitfalls parents, teachers, and helping professionals make when working with young people and which of our current approaches have been shown to be less helpful then we thought.


  • Practice considerations when working with children and adolescents who have experienced early life trauma which may have impacted upon their early brain development.

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