'Listening to children with chronic illness and their families: Changing the paradigm of care' - The Sector
The Sector > Events > ‘Listening to children with chronic illness and their families: Changing the paradigm of care’

‘Listening to children with chronic illness and their families: Changing the paradigm of care’

December 1, 2022 - December 8, 2022

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‘Listening to children with chronic illness and their families: Changing the paradigm of care’


About this event


Child UnLimited invites you to join our 4th Annual Workshop ‘Listening to children with chronic illness and their families: Changing the paradigm of care’ as we share network updates, listen to families as well as discuss and workshop research.


Over two half-days (December 1st and 8th 1-4pm AEDT) we will enjoy presentations from federal politicians Monique Ryan and Mike Freelander, research, health service and not-for-profit leaders from across the country and most importantly, young people and their families.


Note: Please register for both days you wish to attend


Zoom Details


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://unsw.zoom.us/j/89364887917


Telephone: +61 8 6119 3900 or +61 8 7150 1149 or +61 2 8015 6011 or +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 7 3185 3730


Meeting ID: 893 6488 7917


International numbers available: https://unsw.zoom.us/u/kdG8525Uct


Register here

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