Learning the basics for professionals who work one on one with parents - The Sector
The Sector > Events > Learning the basics for professionals who work one on one with parents

Learning the basics for professionals who work one on one with parents

March 10, 2022 - March 10, 2022

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This practical 3 hour information session is an introduction to the philosophy, thinking and concepts that are the backbone of the Bringing Up Great Kids program. BUGK is a mindful, respectful, reflective program that building nurturing relationships between parents and their children.


The session is for professionals who want to use BUGK in their everyday work with children and families in 1-1 situations, counselling sessions, conversations with parents, talking to children etc. These may be professionals who are new to BUGK or BUGK facilitators who want to explore the extra BUGK materials provided in this session.


Please note this is not the Foundational BUGK Facilitator training, it is only a “taster” session.


Please see link below to register for the facilitator training here


This session repeats throughout the year. For more information or to register, see here. 

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