Learn It, Live It, Teach It….. Sustainability
June 1, 2019 - June 1, 2019
Adelaide Pavilion Cnr South Tce & Peacock Rd Adelaide, SA 5000
Join us as we explore:
- What is Education for Sustainability and why is it important in the early years?
- Environmentally Responsible: beyond a duty, a paradigm shift
- Saving the world with gardening
- Indigenous perspectives on sustainability
- Pecha Kucha style provocations – why education for sustainability and EfS in practice.
This conference addresses:
- Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: Standard 1.3, Standard 1.5, Standard 2.4, Standard 4.1, Standard 6.2, Standard 7.4
- All 5 learning outcomes of Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework, in particular Outcome 2 and Outcome 3.
The initial conference will be followed by two smaller events to further grow your knowledge and skills. These sessions will involve a focus on case studies of best practice in embedding sustainability and planning and teaching sustainability. Registering for the above event includes all 3 events.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea included. Register here.