Invigorate Conference 2023 - The Sector
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Invigorate Conference 2023

September 9, 2023 - September 9, 2023

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Camden Civic Centre Oxley St, Camden NSW 2570, Australia

Invigorate 2023 is an exhilarating new early childhood conference held in Southwest Sydney on Saturday 9 September. We welcome early childhood educators and teachers from across the country to join us for a day of learning and networking via exposure to creative & innovative teaching methods where we come together to learn how to best nourish and nurture the children in your educational settings.


The Invigorate conference is brought to you by Exploring Tree, love-filled and beautiful early education centres located in Macarthur & Oran Park (and with two new centres opening in Cobbitty and Podium in 2024)


In 2023, our lineup features some of Australia’s most renowned early childhood educators and experts, a hot-seat quiz and an immersive musical experience.


All early childhood educators are welcome, so we invite you to please join us for this unmissable experience. We can’t wait to meet you!


Invigorate Website –


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Facebook – Invigorate

Instagram – @invigorateconference

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