Hard Yards PD W’shop – Complex Trauma & Reflective Circles Education Model
August 13, 2021 - August 13, 2021
Bendigo Bank Theatre, The Capital 50 View Street Bendigo, VIC 3550
Early childhood trauma affects an estimated ONE in 33 Australian children and can have a devastating impact on their learning. Educators in schools and early childhood settings can play a vital role in the lives of these children through becoming more ‘trauma informed’ and using this knowledge in reflective circles, but exactly what does this mean and how do we make it happen?
Hard Yards is a unique one-day workshop giving all those involved in school communities and early childhood settings an opportunity to explore some of the new thinking and practices in the field of trauma and critical reflection.
The keynote speakers, Dr Anne Southall, Course co-ordinator of Master of Inclusion and Diversity at La Trobe University and Associate Professor Fiona Gardner, Discipline lead in Social Work and Social Policy at La Trobe University will be presenting a framework and approach that supports educators in responding to early childhood trauma in schools and early childhood settings.
This PD workshop will:
- Take an ‘inquiry-based approach’ where participants will be immersed in current thinking and innovative practices based on recent Australian research
- Present a live theatre performance that will introduce the student perspective and stimulate thinking around current practices
- Include panel discussions about the Reflective Circle Education Model currently being trialled in Victorian schools