Experiences of children and young people: lessons learned from 2022 floods - The Sector
The Sector > Events > Experiences of children and young people: lessons learned from 2022 floods

Experiences of children and young people: lessons learned from 2022 floods

November 17, 2022 - November 17, 2022

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Children and young people represent one of the most vulnerable demographics in disasters and are particularly affected by psychological impacts.


The flood events across Australia in 2022 have had a significant impact on children and young people, especially in education and mental health. In the face of such challenges, children and young people have shown their ability to play a critical role in preparedness, response and recovery.


This expert panel webinar will spotlight the experiences of children and young people impacted by flooding, discuss lessons learned from the Northern Rivers region, and present tools and resources to help children and young people prepare, both practically and psychologically. A moderated Q&A session at the end of the webinar will give attendees the opportunity to engage with the panel.


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