EOI sought for online project
The Outsiders Play Advocates are pleased to be launching an online platform to encourage some amazing discussions and critical reflection surrounding their favourite topic “play”.
The Advocates are currently seeking candidates for their first cohort – Cohorts will be relatively small to ensure we can provide the best support possible.
The first 4 modules being released are collectively titled:
“Rethinking play, play types, play themes and play spaces”…
The modules are a combination of theory and practical application set with progressive tasks to refine concepts and understanding.
Each participant will receive constructive feedback from an experienced professional playworker along with the ability to ask any questions along the way.
These modules would suit:
* teachers
* early years care educators
* oshc educators
* playworkers
* parents
* anyone who finds themselves making decisions on behalf of children!
To register your interest, please email [email protected]