Education Profession Overview - The Sector
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Education Profession Overview

August 25, 2020 - August 25, 2020

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The session will be an opportunity to connect with like minded education professionals and discuss what, where and what’s next. Share our hopes for the future in our education sector.This online workshop aims to have the future of the teaching profession at it’s core.


Initially, we will briefly cover who we are, where we have come from. Some of the trials and wins our profession have faced. We will assess as a group where we are now and hear of what is in store, in the near future for the teaching profession. There will be not only be local insights and examples, but we will also explore a brief focus on international practices and how this may affect the profession in Australia.


As a group, we will discuss our hopes for the future and this in turn will assist in building a Log of Claims for working conditions in the future.


This session is not only an overview, but an opportunity to look at the bigger picture, for you to collaborate with your colleagues and design the future pathway and primary focus for the teaching profession.


**Link to the online session will be sent to you via IEUA-QNT Events email address 1 day prior to the event**


For more information or to register please see here.

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