Early attachment and AOD
November 24, 2020 - November 24, 2020
Women's Alcohol & Drug Service, Royal Women's Hospital (Via Zoom) 20 Flemington Road Parkville, VIC 3052
Topic: Early attachment with maternal alcohol and drug use
Speaker: Kerri Felemenow: Social worker
Kerri has just completed a Masters Degree and is very knowledgable on this topic.
The session this week will focus on the potential disruption of early attachment between mother and baby where there is maternal alcohol and drug use.
Following this, a case study will be presented.
Case presentations by participating clinicians are a cornerstone of the ECHO model. Presentations are always followed by an open Q&A and discussion, with takeaway recommendations developed by everyone involved and summarized by the specialist team. We would welcome any participants to present a case study of an existing or recent client. The case study being presented for discussion does not need to have issues matching the didactic presentation, but can be any woman and family who is impacted by drug and alcohol use.
If you would like to present a case for discussion, you can submit de-identified patient cases using our standard case-presentation template. We will send out the template when you register. Please email WADS with your completed template at [email protected]