Child Abuse in our sector: Where to from here? - The Sector
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Child Abuse in our sector: Where to from here?

August 23, 2023 - August 23, 2023

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Presented by Anthony Semann, Lisa Bryant & Deanne Carson




So many of us in the sector were shocked by last week’s revelations of possible large-scale sexual abuse of children attending some early childhood settings by one perpetrator. How do we make sense of this? How can we go forward in a way that ensures:


  • all children in our care are as safe as possible
  • our families are reassured
  • our male educators are supported appropriately
  • each of us can process some of our own emotions related to what was reported
  • we build our knowledge around how this might have occurred and how we can stop it from happening in our sector again


During the webinar, we will explore strategies for child-safe learning spaces and staff save practices. The panel will also discuss how we might identify and work through the emotions presented on learning about the incidents.


This free webinar is available to anyone in the education and care sector who wishes to participate and learn more about this challenging subject.


A huge thank you to Arlo Software for sponsoring this free event.  And to Anthony, Lisa and Deanne for their time and wisdom.


Please note certificates will not be provided.

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