CaFHS Child Development - The Sector
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CaFHS Child Development

October 15, 2020 - October 15, 2020

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Women's and Children's Hospital 72 King William Road Room 202, L2 Samuel Way Building North Adelaide, SA 5006

The aim of this one day workshop is to build on participant’s knowledge of the 6-9 month and 18-24 month health check. The focus of the day will be on assessing development using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire and how this relates to the information gathered in the health assessment. Through simulation we will consolidate understanding of how the theory is used in practice.


Pre-requisite knowledge

1. Has completed pre reading and activities

2. Has observed a 6-9 month and 18-24 month health check and documented their reflections


Intended learning outcomes


At the end of the workshop participants will be able to;

 Recognise age appropriate typical development using observation skills, the ‘My Health and Development Record’ and the Ages and Stages questionnaire to support clinical judgment

 Use the parent led assessment tools to provide education and support using a partnership approach

 Promote activities to support development including speech and language, early introduction to books, movement and active play

 Early identification of children with developmental delay and provision of early intervention services

 Identify red flags and atypical development from their health assessment and ASQ


Target audience


New CaFHS clinicians in the area of conducting health checks, and/or child development in the early years.


**CaFHS employees only**


Register here

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