Building Bonds: Nurturing Child-Educator relationships with the Circle of Security Approach
This workshop is focused on reviewing and up-skilling educators and caregivers on an attachment focused lens of caregiving.
Research continues to give evidence to the effectiveness of an attachment framework enhances the relationship between child and care giver, promotes social and emotional wellbeing leading to further developmental outcomes.
What is attachment
- Attachment Theory
- Attachment relationship templates
Nurturing attachment relationships
- Understanding cues for connection
- Connection before correction
- Attachment push pull
Attachment interventions
- micro moments
- special time
- Emotion coaching
- time in
Circle Of Security at a glance
- founding principles
- circle of security road map
- supporting a child to ‘move in’ and ‘move out’
- four domains of COS
- power of repair and ‘good enough caregiving’
- supporting separation
- Robyn Dolby’s play spaces
- language