Birth to Babies - Addressing Contemporary Issues in Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting - The Sector
The Sector > Events > Birth to Babies – Addressing Contemporary Issues in Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting

Birth to Babies – Addressing Contemporary Issues in Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting

June 23, 2023 - June 23, 2023

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Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre

The experience of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood differs for each woman and her partner. There are many factors that will influence the experience including maternal characteristics, social environment and access to information and support.


During this one day event, we will explore some of the key factors impacting parents today. You will hear from leading subject matter experts who will present the latest research to help you gain a deeper understanding of an individual woman’s situation and the environment for the developing baby. You will learn practical strategies to apply in your practice and importantly, the knowledge gained will help you identify opportunities for early intervention, to reduce any risk to mother and baby and to promote a positive pregnancy, birth and early parenting experience.


Learn more or register here

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