Best Start Best Life Evening Leadership Series: Leading for Impact - The Sector
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Best Start Best Life Evening Leadership Series: Leading for Impact

March 6, 2024 - March 6, 2024

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Hybrid - in person at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership and also online

The Department of Education (Victoria) invites early childhood education leaders to register for the inaugural Best Start, Best Life (BSBL) Evening Leadership Series event Leading for Impact.


Leading for Impact will take place on Wednesday 6 March 2024 at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership in North Melbourne, and also online.


The free one-hour session will equip leaders with a vision for Pre-Prep and provide practical advice and expertise on preparing their teams and members for change.


Any service leader within Victoria’s early childhood sector is invited to attend, including:


  • service managers and administrators
  • committee of management members.

Event details


Date: Wednesday 6 March 2024
Time: 6 pm to 7 pm. Registration and refreshments from 5:30 pm.
Platform: in-person (North Melbourne) or online
Cost: free.


To register to attend, refer to the TryBooking website.

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