Beginning Teacher Conferences
Beginning Teacher Conferences
Beginning Teacher Conferences will be returning this year for provisionally registered teachers. Participation is free and is only available to provisionally registered teachers.
Due to the COVID-19 circumstances, the conferences are delivered online. We recommend you register for the conference in your region as the same program is delivered at each conference, so you do not need to register for multiple conferences.
The program this year will include presentations on managing differences to pedagogy with colleagues, assessment for learning, and integrating Aboriginal perspectives into your education program.
The conferences will be held online between 9:30am-3pm on the following dates:
- 9 August – North-West Victoria
- 11 August – North-East Victoria
- 16 August – South-East Victoria
- 18 August – South-West Victoria
If you are a provisionally registered teacher and would like to attend, visit the beginning teacher conference 2021.