Avoid burn out! How to care for yourself as an educator – an essential guide.
Psychologist Rachel Bridge is coming to ECTARC to present her ‘Caring for the Educator’ workshop at the ECTARC Training Rooms, Warrawong.
Join Rachel as she provides up-to-date psychological understandings of the impact of the educator’s role on mental health and wellbeing. Rachel explores a framework to understand our nervous system and stress responses as well as how we can support our wellbeing. At the session we will:
- Explore our own states of arousal and impact on functioning
- Get to know your nervous system, its functions and responses
- Learn how to use the ‘Window of Tolerance’ framework as a guide to self care.
- Learn about the warning signs and protective factors of vicareous trauma, burn out and compassion fatigue.
- Learn about the Psychology of Caregiving and how it impacts on educators mental health, capacity and wellbeing.