A Practice that Connects the Personal, Local, and Global - The Sector
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A Practice that Connects the Personal, Local, and Global

September 11, 2021 - September 11, 2021

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Reggio Emilia Australia



A Practice that Connects the Personal, Local, and Global




“We can never think of the child in the abstract. When we think about a child, when we pull out a child to look at, that child is already tightly connected and linked to a certain reality of the world — she has relationships and experiences. We cannot separate this child from a particular reality. She brings these experiences, feelings, and relationships into school with her.” Loris Malaguzzi, Your Image of the Child: Where Teaching Begins

How might school be a place for each child to develop their sense of civic participation and belonging?  Holding a strong image of the child invites us to keep our classroom walls permeable: to seek connections between the feelings and experiences children are having with each other, their personal identities, and the larger world that we recognize they have a right to know about.  This session explores practices in working with primary grades children that keep those potentially disparate and untended lives an integrated whole.

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