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Outside School Hours Care LATEST STORIES

ECEC Provider in Focus: The YMCA NT 

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) provider The YMCA NT operates both early learning and outside school hours care (OSHC) programs in the Northern Territory. 

2025-02-14 08:41:45

by Freya Lucas

3 day guarantee passes through Parliament

Crucial changes to legislation underpinning the early childhood education and care (ECEC) landscape have passed through Parliament on what some anticipate to be the final parliamentary sitting day before the election, which must be held by 17 May 2025.

2025-02-14 07:58:49

by Freya Lucas

“Real Estate in ECEC – Unpacking freehold ownership” in the spotlight at ECEC Owners and Landlords Forum

With less than four weeks until the inaugural ECEC Owners & Landlords Forum, to be held in Brisbane on 7 March 2025, The Sector founder and event host Jason Roberts continues to profile the key panels and panelists ahead of the event.

2025-02-11 15:24:36

by Jason Roberts

Camp Australia Term 4 Big Art Comp winner showcased on Adelaide billboard

For the next two weeks, Camp Australia will showcase Caitlin Bowen’s winning artwork from its Term 4 Big Art Comp on a billboard in Adelaide.

2025-01-24 09:56:09

by Freya Lucas

ECEC Provider in Focus: School Plus Foundation

School Plus Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation offering both an outside school hours care (OSHC) and holiday program, with a head office in Eight Mile Plains, Queensland. 

2025-01-17 08:15:28

by Freya Lucas

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