Lilly uses TAFE to build her ECEC career
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Early childhood educator Lilly uses TAFE to build her career in ECEC 

by Freya Lucas

March 04, 2025

Early childhood educator Lilly knew from a young age that she wanted to work with children, and wasted no time in getting her career started when she left high school, completing her Certificate III in Early Childhood Education (CHC30121) in just six months with TAFE Queensland in 2022. 


Noted as a student of promise, she was awarded the 2024 TAFE Queensland Merit Scholarship which allowed her to continue her studies and her career by completing her  Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care in another six months.


Her qualifications equipped her with the specialised skills and knowledge needed to start and progress her career, giving her the foundation to step into a supervisor role when the time comes. She also learned how to design and implement early childhood programs that support young children’s emotional, physical, cognitive, and social development.


The Diploma course helped her to gain the essential planning, evaluation, and regulatory compliance understanding she needed to ensure she was able to provide high-quality education and care.


Lilly currently works at Coomera Clubhouse on the Gold Coast, and recently reflected on her time as a student, recalling the hard work, determination, and sacrifices that led her to this point in her career.


Like many of her fellow graduates, she embarked on her studies with a clear goal: to build a better future for herself and her family while making a meaningful impact on the lives of children, however it was not without its challenges including juggling full-time work, an accelerated study load, and pregnancy.


“It certainly wasn’t easy studying three or four units per intake, working full-time, and being heavily pregnant by the end,” she shared.


“I would not have been able to complete my goals without the unwavering guidance and support of my TAFE Queensland educators, my incredible colleagues, and my family.”


Lilly is eager to take the next steps in her journey, and plans to begin a Bachelor of Education in 2025, supported by her TAFE Queensland Merit Scholarship and $3,000 Executive Dean Award, recognising her excellence in leadership, professionalism, and relationship-building during 280 hours of Vocational Work Placement.


She encourages others to embrace lifelong learning, take on challenges, and never settle for second best.


Learn more about TAFE Queensland here.

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