TAFE NSW Shellharbour welcomes record male enrolments
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TAFE NSW Shellharbour welcomes record number of male ECEC students 

by Freya Lucas

December 06, 2024

TAFE NSW Shellharbour has welcomed a record number of male early childhood education and care (ECEC) students, something the institution believes may be a sign of a turning gender tide. 


Currently just three per cent of Australia’s ECEC professionals are men, however with four men joining the latest intake to the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care at TAFE NSW Shellharbour, bringing the total number of males in the course to six, hopes are high the tide is turning. 


One of the male first year Bachelor students at TAFE NSW Shellharbour is Subash Prajapati, 21, who was studying business in his native country Nepal before emigrating to Australia to pursue a career in childcare.


During his first placement Mr Prajapati was offered a job at Bright Minds Nowra, a reflection of the strong demand for educators of all genders in the sector. 


“I’ve always been good around children but as an introvert, I was worried the industry might not be for me,” he said. “It was a challenge at first but as my skills and vocabulary grew, so too did my confidence.”


Mr Prajapati said after earning his degree, he would like to work in special needs childcare.


Tom Greene is an early childhood educator of two decades who is currently working at South Nowra Early Learning. A mentor for Mr Prajapati, Mr Greene said it was heartening to see more male childcare workers gaining the practical skills and experience offered by the bachelor’s degree at TAFE NSW Shellharbour.


“There are certainly unique challenges in this profession for males and there’s a perception among some in the community that it’s questionable if a male wants to work in childcare,” Mr Greene said. “You have to work that little bit harder, and I think understanding the bigger picture around the role is helpful. I’ve been having that dialogue with Subash, and I’ve seen him really flourish in the role.”


For TAFE NSW Shellharbour Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care course coordinator Annmarie Mounds, having six male educators in the course “is a really positive sign.”

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