Transitional arrangements extended: ACECQA
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Transitional arrangements extended in light of continuing workforce challenges

by Freya Lucas

October 28, 2024

Education Ministers have agreed to extend three workforce transitional arrangements in the Education and Care Services National Regulations (National Regulations) until 31 December 2026 and 31 December 2027, the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has announced. 


The extension of workforce transitional provisions aims to support the availability of qualified educators to maintain current quality safeguards for children’s education and care, and to provide  continuing flexibility for services and providers during a time of workforce challenges, while also enabling governments to fully consider any recommendations arising out of the National Workforce Strategy – Action FA5-1: Review of National Quality Framework Staffing and Qualification Regulations.


The following workforce transitional provisions due to expire on 31 December 2024 will be extended to 31 December 2026:


  • Regulation 239A – Regarding attendance of early childhood teachers at centre-based services in remote and very remote areas (NT, NSW, SA, TAS, WA)
  • Regulation 242 – Qualification requirements for people ‘taken to be an early childhood teacher’ (NT, ACT, NSW, SA, TAS, WA)
  • Note: Regulation 242 does not apply in Queensland and Victoria or to those working in a centre-based service educating and caring for 30 or more children preschool age or under in NSW.


The following workforce transitional provision due to expire on 31 December 2024 will be extended to 31 December 2027:


  • Regulation 264 – General qualifications for educators in centre-based services (ACT).  


The following workforce transitional provision, due to expire on 31 December 2024, will expire as planned on 31 December 2024:


  • Regulation 240 – centre-based services in remote and very remote areas – qualifications for educators (SA, TAS WA)


Work will now progress to amend the National Regulations to extend the operation of the three provisions as outlined above, before the end of 2024. 


For more information contact ACECQA or the Regulatory Authority in the applicable state or territory.

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