Gillespie visits early learning service
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Dr David Gillespie supports Early Learning Matters Week with centre visit

by Freya Lucas

August 07, 2024

Federal Nationals Member for Lyne, Dr David Gillespie, has lent his support to Early Learning Matters Week. 


Running from August 5-9, Early Learning Matters Week, organised by Early Childhood Australia (ECA), aims to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of early learning in shaping the development and wellbeing of children.


“The week brings together early childhood educators, parents, caregivers, and community leaders from all over the country to celebrate the journey of early learning and its profound impact on children and communities,” Dr Gillespie said.


While Early Learning Matters every single day of the year, Dr Gillespie said, Early Learning Matters Week is a special opportunity for acknowledging the wonderful job that early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings do in developing the capacity of children through a range of interactive learning activities which is particularly important in their formative years.


“Early learning environments provide fertile ground for nurturing this essential trait, empowering children to explore, experiment, and express themselves with assurance,” he said.


“Early learning not only equips children with foundational skills and knowledge but also instills in them the confidence to embrace learning, take risks, and navigate the world with a sense of assurance and optimism.”


Stay informed about Early Learning Matters Week by visiting


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