NSW commits to supporting teachers
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Key education partners in NSW meet, committing to “rebuilding the teaching profession”

by Freya Lucas

May 22, 2023

Key education partners in New South Wales met with the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car late last week, participating in a roundtable discussion aimed at “reinvigorating and rebuilding the teaching profession” including early childhood across NSW.


Central to the meeting’s outcomes was the creation of a Statement of Intent (shared below), which recognises the key challenges that are impacting student outcomes and provides a focus for collaboration on four areas.


Statement of Intent


This Statement of Intent between the NSW Government, the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning, the NSW Department of Education and education partners will support and strengthen collaboration to meet the urgent challenges facing public education in NSW.


The statement recognises that these challenges are seriously impacting the ability to deliver  the best possible outcomes for all students.


The immediate challenges affecting public education include: 


  • Teachers are facing unprecedented workload demands which are forcing many from the profession
  • Teacher salaries do not recognise the vital work they do
  • Too many teachers are in temporary or casual roles, impacting their futures and those of their schools.


To meet these challenges, the roundtable will focus collaboration in four areas:


  1. Rebuild the teaching workforce and restore pride in the profession


Teachers are central to the success of every student and of the NSW public education system as a whole. We commit to retaining and respecting the current teaching and support staff and attracting high-quality candidates to teaching in NSW. Together we commit to restoring pride and respect in the teaching profession.


  1. Put teachers and school staff at the heart of the NSW public education system to support our students


We commit to working together to support and empower our principals, teachers and all school staff. We will work to ensure their voices are heard and valued in decision-making, improve their workloads to maximise time in the classroom, and provide opportunities for ongoing and meaningful professional development and growth so that all students have the opportunity to reach their full potential.


  1. Address workload challenges and improve the working experience for all school staff.


The working conditions for teachers and school staff in NSW have become unsustainable. We commit to cutting the administrative burden to ensure teachers are spending more time with students in the classroom, less time on paperwork, and can experience a reasonable, sustainable workload.


  1. Improve outcomes for learners at every level.


We commit to improving student outcomes for all NSW public schools by ensuring that every student, from early childhood, in schools, and post-school pathways, has access to high-quality education. We will consult meaningfully and work cooperatively with parents and carers on issues affecting their children’s education. We commit to developing evidence-based strategies to improve teaching and learning practices, identifying and addressing systemic barriers to student success, and promoting innovative approaches to education.


Throughout the execution of the Statement of Intent the NSW Government and NSW Department of Education commit to:


  • Consulting meaningfully and working in cooperation with its partners
  • Openness, honesty and transparency about the issues in the NSW public education system.


The partners in NSW public education committed to:


  • Providing advice to and consulting with the NSW Government and NSW Department of Education
  • Working in cooperation to deliver on these shared priorities.


Signatories to the Statement of Intent are: 



To learn more, please visit the Department of Education (NSW) website

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