ECEC Provider in Focus - Mitchelton Pre-schooling Centre
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ECEC Provider in Focus – Mitchelton Pre-schooling Centre

by Freya Lucas

May 05, 2023

Mitchelton Pre-schooling Centre is an Exceeding-rated 75-place service which provides education and care for three and four-year-old children in the Queensland suburb of Mitchelton and surrounds. 


The pre-schooling centre is a community based not for profit three unit kindergarten affiliated with Gowrie Queensland and managed by a parent committee. 


The service has been a fixture in the local community for over 70 years and offers care during school terms for children who are turning four years of age by 30 June in the year they attend, and is open from 07:30 to 17:30. 


An additional group, MPC 3’s, is available for children who turn three years of age by 31 January in their year of attendance. 


The history of Mitchelton Pre-schooling Centre


The present day Mitchelton Pre-Schooling Centre Inc. (MPC) first began life in the original Mitchelton Community Preschool Association’s first building in 1949. Over the years, another two units were built, as well as other facilities in Blackwood and McConaghy Streets, under the umbrella of the same organisation.


In 1992 the Mitchelton Community Kindergarten Association Inc. (MCKA) began, celebrating Kedron Avenue as a ‘stand alone’ facility for children aged between three and six years.


“With the introduction of the Prep year in 2007, and the consequent abolition of State Preschool education, we reviewed the organisation of our services,” information on the website notes. 


“The change of name to “Mitchelton Pre-Schooling Centre Incorporated” (MPC) reflects our role of continuing to provide excellence in education for children in the years before school.”


At the beginning of 2011 MPC changed its affiliation from C&K to The Gowrie (Queensland). In 2001, the service began operating a Before and After School Care program three days a week until 4:30 PM. This has been extended over the years to now offer the service five days a week from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM during school terms. 


In 2015, in response to community trends and needs, an additional group model catering to three year olds was added, and in 2019 MPC celebrated its 70 year anniversary with a comprehensive celebration. 


What is the MPC vision and approach to learning? 


MPC views children as individuals and social learners, acknowledging they each come from diverse backgrounds and bring unique strengths, experiences and understandings of their world. 


Within the learning environment, play is valued as a significant means for learning and allows opportunities for children to co-create the curriculum. Play can provide insights into children’s interests, skills, beliefs, joys, anxieties and frustrations. 


MPC encourages healthy, sustainable practices and values everyday, incidental and intentional experiences, believing in connections which are made through listening, playing, talking, noticing, wondering and questioning which provide a rich and significant context for children’s learning. 


Partnerships are viewed as integral components of the curriculum, and opportunities are created for families to share in all aspects of the MPC learning community. 


Are there any unique aspects to the MPC offer? 


Yes, there are. 


Former Centre Director Leanne Hunter prepared a video outlining some of the more unique aspects of teaching and learning at MPC. 


The service has a number of Bachelor qualified staff, and the staff team also includes former students of the service, as well as early childhood professionals who first encountered the service as parents when their own children were attending. 


To learn more about MPC please visit the website

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