Towards equitable early years services and systems: Restacking the Odds - The Sector
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Towards equitable early years services and systems: Restacking the Odds

May 24, 2023 - May 24, 2023

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This webinar will provide an overview of RSTO, the evidence behind the approach, and explore how lead indicators are enabling services to better meet the needs of children and families —particularly those experiencing disadvantage.


While there is no simple, single solution to complex challenges many families are experiencing, when effective, evidence-based strategies are combined or ‘stacked’ in the early years, they can boost children’s health, development and wellbeing.


RSTO enables early childhood development services and systems to use data in a timely way to make a difference for children and families. Its unique approach focuses on the combination of five key services (antenatal care, early childhood education and care, the early years of school, sustained nurse home visiting, and parenting programs) and how lead indicator data can enable timely improvement in service availability, quality and participation.


While lead indicators are rarely used in Australia today, the panel will explore why they are fundamental to measurable and actionable change in early years services and systems.


The webinar will showcase RTSO’s approach to:

– stacking strategies across the early years

– developing lead indicator data across five early years services

– co-designing solutions to support the collection, interpretation, and use of lead indicators at a service and community level

– helping community leaders of place-based initiatives enhance early years systems

– advocating for strengthened service and system capacity.




• Susan Anderson: CEO, Gowrie Victoria.

• Olivia Hilton: Manager, Restacking the Odds, Centre for Community Child Health.

• Prof Sharon Goldfeld: Director, Centre for Community Child Health.

• Dr Michelle Lucas: Executive Director, Logan Together.

• Tara Day-Williams: Director, Stronger Places, Stronger People initiative, Department of Social Services, Australian Government.


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