The ROSE Way’s pedagogical approach to inquiry based learning inspires innovative pedagogies and reignites educators passion

The ROSE Way, a contemporary early childhood education and care (ECEC) planning framework created by early childhood teacher and former service owner Carrie Rose, has attracted a substantial following as its unique qualities resonate with educators across the early learning sector.
“We have been incredibly humbled by the reception The ROSE Way has experienced over the last several years,” Ms Rose said.
“It is really the culmination of nearly thirty years work in the early learning sector and a host of incredible learning experiences, including steering the previously owned centre Rosie’s Early Learning in Queensland to ‘Excellent’ rating not just once but twice in 2016 and again in 2019.”
“By using a research and inquiry based approach to planning and fusing this with the children’s emerging play concepts we have been able to create a framework that builds on more than the traditional models of planning based on observation alone.”
The ROSE Way Planning Framework
Launched in 2019 The ROSE Way Planning Framework supports building a pedagogy that is not based on how much paperwork is completed but rather critical considerations that develop a foundation of quality over quantity.
Four key tenets underling the framework, all of which aim to improve educators outcomes and re-ignite their passion for early learning:
1. Preparing the educator – Intentional planning is carefully designed and the central component of The ROSE Way. Investment in the preparations of the teacher’s mind, the environment and the materials is a critical component of successful pedagogy. The ROSE Way is a framework that develops the skills to move into inquiry based planning with and for children.
2. Providing the right tools – A key part of preparation in The ROSE Way is understanding what are the right tools to support the documentation process. The capacity to capture the moment relies on having the right tools in that moment which are usually internal to educators and not the currently quota driven picture snappers like iPads and iPhones.
3. Re-reading and re-synthesizing new meanings – The ROSE Way guides educators in learning how to have time to reflect, time to marinate in the children’s play and to not feel the surge of pressure to output something at the end of the day. This is how true authenticity is created – by staying in the learning moments with children instead of moving them onto the next ‘activity’.
4. Building with, not just delivering to, the children – Placing the children at the centre of their own experiences where they are hovering in a space of their initial ideas, keen to re-visit, redevelop and refine them is core to The ROSE Way. Slowing down and providing time and space for continued thought and growth creates a space of possibility for all.
“Our tried and tested programming method offers a new, and liberating, framework for educators to plan for their practice,” Ms Rose said.
“Not only are they able to connect better with their roles as educators, they are re-energised and re-engaged in a way that truly releases their potential.”
Testimonials for The ROSE Way underwrite just how impactful their framework can be
With three years of supporting the user community under their belt, the team at The ROSE Way, have gathered abundant testimonials from happy, relieved and thankful pedagogical leaders and educators grateful for not just the insights the method gives them, but also for the support of The ROSE Way team.
“Using The ROSE Way framework has supported our educators to think deeply about children’s play and their own professional practice,” Claree Comedoy, Pedagogical Leader, Excellence In Education said. “The reflective and intentional way the framework unfolds has fostered greater engagement and reignited educators’ passion and purpose.”
“My lead educators especially love how The ROSE Way has allowed them to really slow down alongside the children and because the framework is not heavily ‘paperwork’ based, they can create deep and meaningful connections with their children and families,” Matilda Sdao Assistant Director and Educational Leader at Eden Academy Corinda added.
“Using an inquiry-based research style of programming allows our educators to think more deeply and be more critical about our own practices as well as those of our colleagues. It has enabled us to create a space where we challenge our thinking and has led to ongoing innovative pedagogy within our service,” Reanna Welsh, Educational Leader at Learning Pathways Early Education, Care & Kindergarten.
The team at The ROSE Way are keen to meet more leaders and educators who are interested in resetting their planning practices to those that focus less on ‘ticking the box’ and more on reflection and intention.
To attend the FREE information session about the Planning framework click here. To connect with Carrie and her team please click here for more information.

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