Early Years Networks Training – Engaging with ACCOs
April 6, 2023 - April 6, 2023
Join the Department of Communities Connecting Early Years Networks Team and Evolve WA for this valuable training session for Chairs and Secretariats of Early Years Networks.
Engaging with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations will allow attendees to explore ways of making their Networks more welcoming, inclusive and culturally safe for Aboriginal people and organisations.
This interactive learning session will also focus on inclusive practices, building trust and considering the needs of Aboriginal people in engaging with Networks.
This Early Years Networks training session is topic four of six topics available and will be hosted three times (in 3 Rounds, same content for each session), so interested parties only need to choose one (1) date that suits them for each topic.
Dates available:
Round 2: 6th April 2023 – 12.30pm to 2.30pm
Round 3: 20th June 2023 – 10am to 12noon
The Zoom link will be provided prior to each session.
Interested parties do not need to participate in all six topics as they are each individual learning opportunities.
This training is suited to all Chairs and Secretariats of Early Years Networks within Western Australia, including those that are either new to the early years sector or would like a refresh of information.
Email [email protected] for more information about how to enrol in this session.