Supporting young parents with an out-of-home care (OOHC) experience
Many young people with experience of out-of-home care (OOHC) have complex histories of trauma and neglect and generally poorer health, education and employment outcomes than their peers.
They are also more likely to become parents at a young age and to have their children enter the child protection system or be taken into care. Although there is limited research about the needs and outcomes of young parents with a care experience, there is evidence to suggest that trauma-informed and therapeutic models of support can lead to better outcomes.
This webinar shares researcher, practitioner and service user insights about supporting young parents with a care experience. It covers:
- Ways to approach young parents with experience of the OOHC system
- How to approach and understand young parents’ motivations to become parents
- The paradox of ‘surveillance bias’ and the potential risks of protective interventions
- How healing relational trauma and loss is key to preventing intergenerational child protection involvement
- Key elements of the practice model – peer work, partnerships
This webinar will interest practitioners working in the child, family, community and welfare sectors who encounter or directly work with young parents who have experience in OOHC.
This webinar is produced in collaboration with the National Association for Prevention of Child abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) for National Child Protection Week. AIFS supports this campaign and embraces the theme that ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go’.