FREE Anthony Semann Educator Workshop: REKINDLING OUR LOVE FOR OUR WORK
July 21, 2022 - July 21, 2022
Fit Kidz Learning Centre Warrawee 12 Heydon Avenue Warrawee, NSW 2074
Anthony Semann is an agent of change. After qualifying as an early childhood teacher, Anthony spent his early career working in long day care. Eager to learn as much as he could about practice and people, he built his pedagogical knowledge and developed his skills in fostering relationships.
Early on, Anthony also discovered the importance of equity and social justice as a driving force in social change. His desire for learning remains apparent, so too does his commitment to naming inequity, shifting practice towards justice and living a life that embodies all that he preaches.
Fit Kidz Learning Centres are thrilled to partner with Anthony to bring this night of training to all Early Childhood Educators from our local area.
It has been a challenging time for our sector. COVID, illness and staff shortages have led to many wonderful educators feeling exhausted.
If this is you or anyone in your team, please join us for an evening of inspiration with Anthony Semann.
An experienced, knowledgeable and constant advocate for the world of ECE, Anthony, will remind us of the joy a career in early childhood education gives us.