Have an ECT? Based in Victoria? You need to understand the Capability Assessment
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Have an ECT? Based in Victoria? You need to understand the Capability Assessment

by Freya Lucas

March 10, 2022

Early childhood teachers (ECTs) are, without doubt, an amazing asset to early childhood services across Australia. 


In Victoria, ECTs are sometimes employed under the Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Educators Agreement (VECTEA) which has certain measures to recognise eligible teachers and their ability to progress from Level 2.5 to Level 3.1 in its career structure. 


Experienced and eligible ECTs will now be able to validate their skills via the Capability Assessment and potentially access the next tier in their careers. Given the value of this undertaking to ECTs it is important for early childhood employers to understand both the assessment and their responsibilities. 


Internal Capability Assessment (validation) 


Under clause 50.3 of the VECTEA (or a VECTEA mirror agreement) employers and/or committees are responsible for conducting an internal Capability Assessment (validation). 


The Early Learning Association Australia (ELAA) has provided the following example which outlines the steps involved using the example of ECT Jo. 


Meet Jo.


Jo’s employer has determined that she does qualify to undergo the Capability Assessment and progress to Level 3. 1. Jo is an Early Childhood Teacher who has been classified at Level 2.5 (the highest Level 2 teacher classification) for a minimum of 12 months. She has been teaching for more than five years. She holds a four-year teaching qualification and has full Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registration. 


Jo’s employer referred to VECTEA clause 50.4 in order to understand the criteria by which to assess Jo’s Level 3.1 progression. They also used the resources developed by the Department of Education and Training to assist with this process.  


Great news for Jo. By using the available resources, her employer is satisfied that she meets the criteria to progress to Level 3. In recognition of this progression, Jo receives back pay from 1 February at the Level 3.1 pay rate as she was eligible prior to this date. After a further 12 months of service, Jo will be eligible to progress further in the Level 3 classification structure.   


Having a measurable classification structure is an important step in career recognition.  


ELAA will run a free information session tomorrow evening on the topic of understanding the VECTEA Capability Assessment. To register for the information session please see here

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