South Australia offers $20,000 incentives to ECTs to take up regional positions
The South Australian Department of Education has offered a range of incentives to Early Childhood Teachers (ECTs) willing to take on regional and remote positions in 2022, with two-year contracts, professional development opportunities and financial incentives in play.
Eligible applicants will receive up to $20,000 over two years ($10,000 upfront each year) as a once-off ‘hard to fill’ payment, in addition to country incentives and locality allowances.
The positions are open to any teacher who:
- does not already have an ongoing or contract role with the South Australian Department for Education for 2022;
- will relocate from metro to country or from a country location to a different country location as a result of accepting the new contract; or,
- is relocating to a Zone 2-5 country area.
To be employed by the Department in any role, teachers must be vaccinated against COVID-19. Proof of vaccination status must be provided for sighting on request.
Teachers who meet the above criteria and have already accepted a role (prior to January 2022) or are in the process of finalising an offer for a country teaching contract (minimum 12 months) for 2022 will be eligible for a separate once-off payment and will be contacted directly if this applies to them.
Applications close Friday 21 January 2022. To apply ECTs should:
- Complete the Employable Teacher Register and generate an ID number to use in step 2.
- Email their resume and a cover letter to [email protected] outlining:
the region(s) they are interested in working in
their subject area experience
any professional learning they believe would support them to be successful in a country teaching role
their employable teacher register ID number from step 1.
Available vacancies may change as roles are filled. However, new opportunities may become available. Current vacancies for ECTs are listed below:
- Amata Anangu School – deputy principal band B-2, birth to preschool (BP0B) and junior primary (JP00) teachers
- Indulkana Anangu School – primary (PR00), middle school (MM09), middle school with NIT (MM09 – NIT), birth to preschool (BP00), Aboriginal education (AN12), middle school with FLO (MM09-FLO)
- Mimili Anangu School – birth to preschool (BP0B) and junior primary (JP00) teachers
- Whyalla Stuart Early Childhood Centre Kindergarten – inclusive preschool teacher.
Those ECTs who are interested in teaching in country South Australia but who are not quite ready to make the move are encouraged to share their name, contact details and resume with the Department, advising that they would like to be kept informed about future opportunities.
Emails should be sent to [email protected]
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