Flourish: Wellbeing and Welfare in Education
September 6, 2021 - September 6, 2021
Victoria Park Garden Marquee 261 Herston Road Herston, QLD 4006
We all care about wellbeing and welfare in education, but what do we really know about the issues children and young people are facing?
And how can we create the best policy and practice for those in our care?
To answer these questions and more for educators in Queensland, we’ve created Flourish: Wellbeing and Welfare in Education.
Flourish is a not-to-be-missed event designed to bring leaders and key decision makers in education together with experts and advocates from across Australia.
Topics will include:
- Consent
- Abuse Prevention
- Gender Equity
- Respectful Relationships
- Mental Health
- eSafety
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Positive Body Image and Eating Disorders
- Trauma Informed Education
You’ll get to hear talks from industry legends as well as service providers in Queensland that are crucial to the wellbeing and welfare of children and young people.