An Encounter with Light: Exploring the possibilities and provocations - The Sector
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An Encounter with Light: Exploring the possibilities and provocations

November 9, 2020 - November 9, 2020

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Reggio Australia


An Encounter with Light: Exploring the possibilities and provocations


Light and certain light phenomena are central protagonists and highlight the extent to which expressiveness and beauty can accompany an understanding of scientific thinking. Science is almost always missing from educational work with small children or taught in ways that are mostly to do with facts the teacher wants children to learn. It is a challenge to be by children’s sides with an approach to reality and its phenomena that gives meaning and strength to scientific thinking. (Vecchi, 2010, p.177).


This webinar will explore the possibilities that light provides as an expressive tool. It will look at the science of light; what is it and how it behaves and then we will discover how this knowledge can support our work with children by unpacking a project done with 5 year old children in a community kindergarten. Finally, we will look at some low cost/free resources that can be used with children as they encounter this expressive language.




Event Details


Presenter: Ruth Wallbridge

Date: Monday 9 November 2020

Time: 7.30pm – 8.30pm (AEDT)

Venue: Online


All webinars will be recorded and made available to participants the day after the webinar for a period of 48 hours.


Webinar Terms and Conditions

• Participants will need to download the (free) Zoom platform

• It is preferable for participants to use a laptop or desktop – not a phone, this allows for easier use of the webinar tools.

• No part of the discussion may be recorded by participants nor screenshots taken.

• REAIE will be utilizing a range of tools during the webinar to enable participation.

• You are invited to utilise the features within Zoom webinar for example the chat feature and the Q & A feature.

• Notice of cancellation needs to be received in writing at least 5 working days prior to the session date. There are no refunds for nonattendance.

• All participants will receive a certificate of participation.

• Reference materials will be provided to participants.

• All sessions will be recorded for QA purposes and for participants to access post the event for 48 hrs.

• The purchase of webinar attendance is for use by the purchaser only and registration information should not be forwarded on to third parties; doing so may hinder your own access, as webinar entry is by prior registration only. Similarly, the materials and replay of webinars are for use by the purchaser only and should not be forwarded on to third parties.


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