HESTA begins search for 2020’s best early childhood educators
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HESTA begins search for 2020’s best early childhood educators

by Freya Lucas

May 25, 2020

Nominations are now open for the 2020 HESTA Early Childhood Education & Care Awards, with a $30,000 prize pool up for grabs in recognition of early childhood educators and carers who have demonstrated excellence in improving learning outcomes for children.


“There is excellent and innovative work being done in the sector every day to enhance the delivery and outcomes of early childhood education, and submitting a nomination is one way we can recognise these people and their important contributions to society,” HESTA CEO Debby Blakey said.


As well as a nomination being a “fantastic way to celebrate the dedicated people working hard to improve the lives of young children and their families,” she continued, 2020 is an especially important year to acknowledge the work of those in the sector. 


“During these challenging times early childhood educators have continued to provide vital education to the children of essential workers, demonstrating again how they underpin key services and broader economic activity by supporting the community to work.”


Nominations are now sought from employers, colleagues and families for both individuals and organisations working with children from birth to eight years of age who demonstrate innovation, quality improvement and enhanced learning outcomes for young children in a variety of settings, including preschool, long day care, primary school or outside-of-hours care.


Awards sponsor ME – the bank for you – has donated the prize money, with the winner of each of the following categories to receive $10,000 for further education, service or team development: 


  • Advancing Pedagogy and Practice
  • Outstanding Organisation
  • Individual Leadership.


ME CEO Jamie McPhee said the organisation was “thrilled” to partner with HESTA once again to recognise excellence in the sector, as they have done since 2007.


“Each year, ME is proud to support and witness to the countless waves of early childhood professionals who display exceptional leadership and pave the way for further innovations in their respective fields,” Mr McPhee said.


Finalists will receive complimentary registration for the Early Childhood Australia National Conference, with interstate finalists flown to Brisbane to attend the Awards dinner on 23 April 2021.


For more information or to submit a nomination, visit hesta awards.com.au, with nominations open until 25 September. 

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