Behaviour, supporting adults and children in times of challenge (online) - The Sector
The Sector > Events > Behaviour, supporting adults and children in times of challenge (online)

Behaviour, supporting adults and children in times of challenge (online)

April 30, 2020 - April 30, 2020

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Some behaviours children display may be challenging to educators, families and their peers. Behavioural challenges may disrupt the child’s well-being and learning, interfere with the well-being of others and in some cases cause distress to educators and families.


During a time of crisis such as the current pandemic, educators and families report an increase in challenging behaviour which affects all. In this webinar we will explore the possible reasons behind a child’s challenging behaviour and explore strategies to support educators, families and peers.  Time: 1 hour


To learn more or to register, please see here. 

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