More early learning places for Phillip Island
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Building Blocks Capacity Grant will see more early learning places for Phillip Island 

by Freya Lucas

March 26, 2025

Children in Armstrong Creek and Phillip Island will have easier access to early learning thanks to a $6.2 million Victorian Government investment. 


Two Building Blocks Capacity Building Grants were announced earlier this month by Minister for Children Lizzie Blandthorn which will deliver a new modular kindergarten in the City of Greater Geelong and a new early learning facility in Phillip Island, creating up to 244 new kinder places. 


The Victorian Government will fully fund the delivery of a new three-room modular kindergarten in Armstrong Creek including play spaces, car parking and landscaping, and a maternal and child health room. 


To be built at Bloinkes Community Centre in Armstrong Creek, the new kinder will offer up to 178 kindergarten places, with the City of Greater Geelong funding an additional community room and amenities.


Phillip Island Kindergarten will use their grant of more than $2 million to build a new early learning facility with two kindergarten rooms in Cowes, creating up to 66 new places under an integrated childcare model. 


Building Blocks Capacity Building Grants support the early learning sector to build new facilities, or expand existing infrastructure, to create additional kindergarten places for three- and four-year-olds across Victoria. 


Since Building Blocks was launched in 2020, the Victorian Government has invested more than $235 million in planning, building and upgrading early childhood services across the state. 


Learn more about Building Blocks Grants here

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