Reconnect celebrates a year of Boori Milumba program
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Reconnect Gathering celebrates a year of the Boori Milumba program

by Freya Lucas

March 24, 2025

On the 12th and 13th of March 2025, SNAICC ─ National Voice for our Children (SNAICC) and Cullunghutti Aboriginal Child and Family Centre (Cullunghutti) facilitated a two day Reconnect Gathering on Yuin Country, Nowra, NSW.


Cullunghutti is one of four sites taking part in an intensive early childhood education and care (ECEC) model trial for children, birth up to three years. The trial is for children living with significant adversity and is designed to bridge the gap for school readiness. 


Cullunghutti led the co-development of the Boori Milumba model, to ensure cultural safety, cultural responsiveness and improve cultural, developmental and learning outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children experiencing significant family stress and social hardship.


The co-development project partners are Cullunghutti Aboriginal Child and Family Centre, SNAICC, Parkville Institute and Social Ventures Australia (SVA).


Day one included Charlie Ashby, the Cultural Lead from Cullunghutti taking partners, centre staff, Cullunghutti Board and Elders and representatives from the Australian Government Department of Education First Nations and Early Learning unit and the University of Melbourne out on Country. 


Charlie shared places, knowledge and stories of cultural significance. All children in the Boori Milumba program go out on Country weekly with Charlie. Boori Milumba educators take part in monthly whole team on Country yarns.


Day two provided the opportunity to hear from the Cullunghutti Chief Executive Officer, Board and Elders, Early Years Manager and the Boori Milumba multidisciplinary leadership team, which includes the following roles:


  • Cultural Lead
  • Centre Director
  • Pedagogical Leader
  • Infant Mental Health Consultant
  • Early Childhood Development Consultant
  • Family Practitioner


SNAICC then facilitated planning and yarning sessions where participants shared challenges and highlights, group reflections and formulated project and program goals for 2025 and beyond. Importantly, the Reconnect Gathering was an in-person opportunity for the partners, Cullunghutti staff and Board and Elders and representatives to celebrate the successes of Boori Milumba, which is over one year into implementation.


There are currently 22 children enrolled in the Boori Milumba program. Boori Milumba means ‘Child Shine’ in the local Dharawal language. Naming the program was a collaborative process by staff and the Cullunghutti Board and Elders.


For further information on the Boori Milumba program:


The Boori Milumba Model: An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific service-led intensive ECEC model 


A Journey of Co-Development: The Boori Milumba Model


Co-Development Framework for developing an intensive ECEC program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children (the Framework)

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