As ECEC Owners and Landlords Forum approaches all star panelists prepare to inform, educate and inspire delegates amidst policy uncertainty
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As ECEC Owners and Landlords Forum approaches all star panelists prepare to inform, educate and inspire delegates amidst policy uncertainty

by Jason Roberts

March 24, 2025

As the approach to the inaugural ECEC Owners and Landlords Forum reaches its final days the combination of Budget and election news alongside emergent challenges with the Worker Retention Payment Grant has the all important Policy Panel front and centre from a delegates perspective. 


“With a Budget scheduled for later today, an election around the corner and increasing uncertainty around policy measures like the Worker Retention Payment Grant, the timing of the Forum, which will be held this Friday in Brisbane, from a policy perspective, could not be better,” Jason Roberts, Founder of The Sector said. 


“Our delegates are very much in the trenches right now as they navigate a complex operating environment and these key policy related overlays are likely to impact decision making and importantly operating conditions.”


“As a result we feel very fortunate not only with our event timing but also the quality of our panelists, with Paul Mondo and Stacey Fox on hand to guide us through what is happening now and potentially what will be happening in the future.”


“When we combine this with contributions from the legendary Brendan McAssey and always inspiring Lynda Salvo, Rory Vassallo and Simon Morris, as well as deeply respected subject matter experts Adam Thomas, Carla Hayes and Mark Hamilton we are confident that their collective experience and insights will add massive value to delegates attending.”


Budget and Election central but worker retention payment issues to take centre stage 


With the 2025/26 Budget scheduled to be announced on 25 March and an election likely to be called soon after, ECEC will inevitably once again find itself in the centre of key policy discussions with last week’s ABC coverage also likely to amplify narratives. 


That being said, from an immediate point of view, the key issue on hand will undoubtedly be the Worker Retention Payment Grant and how its management (from an application perspective) is being handled by Government agencies and impacting operators right now. 


“It is quite clear that the Worker Retention Payment has had a positive impact on attraction and retention trends across the sector,” Mr Roberts said, “however from an approved providers perspective it has been an unmitigated disaster, with very length processing delays creating real cash flow challenges for operators across the board.”


This topic is likely to be a major focus point for providers at the event, with delegates keen to understand their relative positions in the processing queues and what they can do in the meantime to safeguard their organisations while they wait for the grants to flow.


Operators, landlord and sector “legend” panels offer essential perspectives too


Although policy will be an important program item at the Forum, three other panels featuring some of the most respected and accomplished owners, operators and subject matter experts will truly add value to delegates keen to build knowledge and inspiration to help guide their own journeys. 


To guide delegates through the operating landscape Lynda Salvo, Founder of Explorers Early Learning, Rory Vassallo, Founder of Stride Early Learning and Great Beginnings Early Learning and Simon Morris, co-Founder of Story House Early Learning will be joining accomplished principal at Collins Sacre Consulting, Sean Collins on stage to unpack the central questions relevant to ECEC business ownership right now.


From a freehold ownership perspective a panel of experts including Adam Thomas from Burgess Rawson, Carla Hayes from Charter Hall and Mark Hamilton of NAB will join Savills’ host Kate Robinson to explore key areas in the freehold decision making cycle. 


In the final session of the day Mr Collins will sit down with ECEC sector visionary Brendan McAssey, the pioneer of super premium, campus style early learning and founder of Only About Children for a no holds barred discussion about what it takes to succeed in the early learning sector. 


Network drinks on the agenda to wrap up


To round off the day, networking drinks will be hosted by The Sector team to allow all delegates to relax and connect, unpacking key learnings from this one of a kind ECEC sector experience. 


“The interactive component to all Connect+ Forums will be a key differentiator to other events in the sector,” Mr Roberts said.


“We feel it is extremely important that our delegates have a voice and are able to seek answers to questions they may have in this space, as well as to influence where narratives go and we look forward to the ECEC Owners and Landlords Forum becoming a permanent fixture of the annual ECEC event calendar.”


“And to be able to do that in a collegiate and engaging environment is certainly a key objective for us.”


To register click here or contact Anna Boshell via email at [email protected] for more information.

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