ECTs qualify faster with Swinburne Online's Grad Dip option
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Swinburne Online’s Graduate Diploma option helps ECTs qualify faster

by Freya Lucas

March 18, 2025

Australia has strong demand for early childhood teachers (ECTs) as states and territories position or recommit to subsidised early learning and “Free Kindy” programs for children in the year/s before school. 


In fact, the demand for early childhood teachers and aligned job roles is predicted to rise strongly from 47,900 to 56,200 in 2025. With strong employability prospects and growing demand, there has never been a better time for experienced Diploma of Early Childhood holders to take the next step in their careers. 


For many Diploma qualified educators, becoming an ECT is something on their priority list, however concerns about the time the qualification will take, and about missing out on working hours to complete placements prevents them from taking the leap. 


For others, there may be concerns about having not studied for a long period of time, or about being unsure if they are ready to tackle the academic load which comes with completing a qualification at a university, rather than through a Registered Training Organisation. 


Designed by the sector, for the sector


Swinburne Online, an institution at the forefront of change when it comes to building workforce capacity in the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector, has taken these concerns – and many more – into consideration when developing its Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching. 


The Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching is a one-year postgraduate qualification which offers students the pathway to become a qualified teacher with an expert understanding in educational theory and pedagogical practices to make a difference to children’s lives.


“This course has been developed in conjunction with Early Childhood leaders and feedback from the early childhood sector,” a representative from the College for Australian Early Childhood Educators explained.


The Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood Teaching is designed not only to support educators in completing an ECT qualification, but also to offer them formal recognition for their hard work and dedication to the ECEC sector through building course content which acknowledges the extensive experience they have gained in the ECEC sector prior to joining Swinburne Online. 


Course structure and eligibility criteria


This postgraduate qualification takes 12 months (full time) to complete, with the academic learning and assessment, classes and coursework fully online, allowing students to access their coursework and any reference materials 24/7. 


“It’s a game changer to complete a graduate diploma in 12 months while completing the majority of your practicum in your own workplace,” Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Teaching alumni Marissa said, “and it’s hyper tailored to early childhood, so all the learning is incredibly relevant.”


To be eligible to participate in the course students must have successfully completed an Australian Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (or recognised ungraded equivalent), and have a minimum of five years relevant work experience (undertaken within the last seven years) in an early childhood education setting with related leadership responsibilities.


As a result, everyone in the cohort is an experienced professional, resulting in a dynamic environment which not only boosts the calibre and quality of discussion, but also offers invaluable opportunities for networking and professional growth. 


The innovative and accelerated ECT qualification helps overcome the typical barriers to undertaking an early childhood teaching qualification through a workplace-based internship model with alternative setting experience. 


For each unit students undertake, they arrange a classroom placement, the first of which can be in their existing workplace, and have real-world opportunities to teach literacy, numeracy, creative arts and sciences while addressing the specific learning needs of children within early childhood services.


Swinburne Online’s Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Teaching is accredited by the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), with students able to apply for registration as an ECT with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) upon graduation. 


Students in other states and territories are encouraged to connect with their teacher registration body for reciprocal arrangements.This is not offered to students residing in South Australia (SA) due to AITSL accreditation requirements.


Prospective students must be a citizen or a permanent resident of Australia to study this course.

For more information about Swinburne Online’s Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Teaching please visit the website, here.

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