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High Intensity OSHC offers more flexibility for children with additional needs

by Freya Lucas

March 18, 2025

The Victorian Government has expanded its High Intensity Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) program to provide greater flexibility for families who have children with additional needs.


High intensity OSHC was developed to support specialist school students’ families who shared with the Government that finding affordable outside school hours or holiday care that gives their children the level of support they need is one of their biggest challenges.


The OSHC program is offered at some Victorian specialist schools free of charge, and began as a pilot at five specialist schools which resulted in significant improvements in educational achievements, improved wellbeing of students and their families, and 92 per cent of parents saying they had, or were planning to, take up extra work or training.


Deputy Premier and Minister for Education Ben Carroll visited Croxton Special School recently to announce that High Intensity OSHC services would now be available at five more specialist schools including Banmira Specialist School (Shepparton), Bass Coast Specialist School (Wonthaggi), Croxton Special School (Northcote), Croydon Special Developmental School and Eastern Ranges School (Ferntree Gully).


This year’s expansion of High Intensity OSHC will be followed by a further five schools set to incorporate these services in 2026, with Minister Carroll saying “this program means children with disability can access tailored care close to home at no cost, so parents can spend less time juggling caring with work or study and more time with their loved ones.”

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