Overwhelming support from community for Nicholson early learning
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Overwhelming support from community for Nicholson early learning

by Freya Lucas

March 11, 2025

Victoria’s East Gippsland Shire Council will go ahead with the sale of land at 1010 Princes Highway, Nicholson with the intention of the Victorian Government purchasing it for educational purposes, including an early learning and childcare centre.


Councillors  decided to pursue selling part of the land around Nicholson Primary School to the Government in December 2024, however community consultation had been an important part in the decision to proceed with the land sale, and feedback received supported Council’s decision.


“Feedback received through our community consultation in January and February was overwhelmingly positive for the sale of the property to the Department of Education,” Mayor Cr John White said, noting that there were 111 submissions in favour of the sale, eight submissions against the sale, and nine submissions marked ‘unsure/other.’


“The community told us that as a fast-growing area, having such a facility supporting families, the school and broader community is exactly what Nicholson needs. We thank everyone for their feedback,” the Mayor said.


More information about the land sale is available from Your Say or at the Council’s service centres.

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